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Conditioned Place Preference

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Nombre de la variación: Conditioned Place Preference - Rat
Precio: $2,290.00
SKU: ME-4404
Estado de stock: Instock
Attribute_species: rat

Nombre de la variación: Conditioned Place Preference - Mouse
Precio: $1,390.00
SKU: ME-4403
Estado de stock: Instock
Attribute_species: mouse

Conditioned Place Preference

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The conditioned place preference chamber is a paradigm widely used to explore the reinforcing effects of natural and pharmacological stimuli, including drugs of addiction. Combinations of floor and wall cues are available

In this variant,  subjects are allowed to freely move between a compartment in which they were conditioned with either drug cues or neutral cues. The wall cues a (come with a maze) provide visual reinforcement

This dual-chamber place preference allows for biased and unbiased conditioned place preference testing. A removable door (not shown) allows isolation into one compartment of the apparatus of the animal. Preference testing is then done by removing the door to allow the mouse to freely explore between the two compartments (as seen in the image)

  • Visual pattern inserts are sandwiched between the clear interior layer and the outer grey layer. These visual pattern inserts do not interact with the mouse directly, preserving the life of the apparatus.
  • Optional Standing Inserts (visualized) are for spatial place preference procedures. Please request separately


  • The conditioned place preference (CPP) is a widely used behavioral model which can evaluate the motivational properties such as the rewarding and aversive effects of drugs and natural substances as well.
  • A conditioned place preference (CPP) is said to occur if the animals spend considerably more time in the drug-paired compartment than the vehicle-paired compartment.
  • Rossi and Reid developed the concept of drug-paired conditioning to measure drug induce affective state (approach or avoidance behavior) as a measure of the rewarding properties of drug substances.
  • In CPP, the primary stimulus (drug) serves as an unconditioned stimulus (UCS). When it is paired with a secondary stimulus (visual or tactile cue) which acts as a conditioned stimulus (CSS), an approaching or aversive behavior for the paired environment is elicited
  • CPP continues to be very popular because of its numerous applications.
  • Classically, the CPP apparatus is of two types, namely the two-chamber design or three-chamber design.
  • The two major experimental designs used to condition animals under the influence of drugs or natural reinforcers are called the Biased and Unbiased experimental designs.
  • CPP task, whether biased or unbiased follows the timeline of Pre-test, Conditioning, and Testing Phase.

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Mouse, Rat




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